
Neil Curtis

Neil has contributed to over 156 articles on TurboBikeTrainer. An avid cyclist and road bike enthusiast, Neil understands the allure of fresh gear, shiny upgrades, and the thrill of the ride. Whether it's a leisurely cycle through the park, an intensive indoor session, or an exhilarating outdoor adventure, cycling has become his go-to form of exercise. Neil's passion for cycling is evident in his detailed reviews, tips, and insights shared on TurboBikeTrainer, making him a trusted voice in the cycling community.

The 9 best headphones for cycling in 2023


As an ardent cyclist and bona fide gadget junkie, I’m often asked: “What’s the number one accessory every cyclist should own?” Before you start picturing high-end carbon fibre wheelsets or aerodynamic helmets, let me stop you right there. It’s something…

The Best Padded Cycling Shorts

padded cycling shorts

Alright, fellow pedal pushers, let’s grab a cuppa, pull up our cycle shorts and dive, saddle first, into the world of padded cycling shorts. Now, before you start rolling your eyes and reach for your mouse to click away, just hear…

The Best Road Bike Upgrades For Every Budget


As an avid cyclist and road bike enthusiast, I understand the lure of fresh gear and shiny upgrades. But we all know it’s not just about the ‘bling’, right? Upgrading your road bike, whether it’s swapping out tires or going all-in with…

The Best Road Bikes For A Triathlon


Hello fellow triathlon enthusiasts! If you’re anything like me, you’re undoubtedly eager to find the best road bike for your triathlon endeavours. After all, road bikes are designed specifically for riding on paved roads.. Whether you’re a seasoned veteran looking to…